Frequently Asked Questions:

How does virtual training work?

Once you’ve registered through my contact form, along with our written agreement contract, I’ll send two links, both of which are provided to you depending on which package you register for:

  • -PT Distinction - the personal training software and app I use to monitor your workouts. There you will find videos and specific instructions for each exercise ranging from your warm up to your cool down so there isn’t any question as to what you need to do once you get to the gym (or wherever else we might be working out that day).

  • -Cronometer - The dietary tracker / food logging app that I have come to love. It is highly detailed, intuitive, and allows me to monitor what you log. From there we can make the adjustments we need to make sure you are fueling up correctly for your fitness goals.

    We will review at least once per week where we might make adjustments. I am available to your for all of your exercise and nutrition related questions for the term of our agreement. Though I am not there right next to you, I am highly involved in your training and diet. The virtual training paradigm actually benefits a lot of people that want instruction without feeling the pressure of a coach constantly hovering over them. If that’s you, then this service was meant for you.

    My expectations of my virtual training clients:

  • - Be technologically literate, or else ask me about in-home training

    -Send and receive several form check videos per week, including live video chat

    -Comply with written and verbal instructions for your safety including practicing proper lifting technique prior to lifting heavy loads.

  • These expectations will require a proactive and motivated mentality and I will do my best to motivate you as your coach, but it is ultimately up to you to stay on top of your virtual training. I do not practice “blind training” where I give you a set of exercises, tell you to have fun, and then report back to me. My virtual personal training is much more involved as I want to ensure the efficacy and safety of your movement patterns. I won’t put short term gain ahead of longevity.

    What’s this about in-home training?

    I offer in-home training to those local to me who have a dedicated workout space and personal exercise equipment. I’d love to bring the exercise to you so that you can work out in the comfort of your own home. Virtual training may be more accessible but in-person training offers higher quality service. In-home training can be used in conjunction with the virtual interfaces to provide the most efficient and cost-effective training experience. My rates fluctuate based on travel, frequency and availability, so message me for a quote!

How long does it take you to respond to messages?

I generally try to complete all tasks during regular business hours (9am-5pm, Mon-Sat). If you send me a message after 5pm I may not get to your message until the following day. If you have something that is time sensitive, or you want me to show me something live, we can always schedule that out in advance.

Why do you charge so much?

Creating programs customized to your personal goals consumes a lot of time and I enjoy being at your service to quickly assist you as you go about your week. I enjoy what I do, and I’m good at it- but the price tag also acts as a filter to remove those who aren’t willing to commit to creating healthy and efficient exercise habits or eating patterns which requires consistency. I don’t want you to waste your money and I dont want to waste my time. Consider this: what I charge is a drop in the bucket compared to what many people spend on medical treatment for their chronic metabolic illness.

You have relatively little experience compared to a veteran trainer, why should I trust you?

My education comes form a polytechnic university, Utah Tech, which means my education has been hands-on and applicable. I agree that I am relatively new as a trainer (I have 5 years of experience in the industry), but my recent education gives me an edge by providing me with the cutting edge tools and most recent advancements in the fields of athletic development and nutritional biochemistry; also I don’t have any bad habits… yet! If I dont have an answer for your question, I’ll let you know. My post-graduate education has given me the tools I need to navigate the field of scientific literature and extract meaningful conclusions that I will use to help you achieve your goals and answer your questions.