Nutrition Coaching:

Our nutrition coaching service works primarily by monitoring what you food you log in Cronometer. Once you register for nutrition coaching through our service, an email link will be sent to you to open your own Cronometer profile at no additional charge to you. We have other methods of nutrition tracking available as well that aren’t as intensive as weighing and tracking food intake (which can be intimidating), but those methods aren’t as reliable or accurate as this strategy.

Once registered, you can expect to have one of our nutrition coaches (me) on retainer to answer or help with anything nutrition related for the duration of your subscription. Additionally, we will provide weekly Nutrition Reports to coach you and give you insight as to what adjustments may be needed to help you reach your goals. Our foundation and understanding of nutritional biochemistry and how it relates to facilitating metabolic adaptation is key to helping you use food as fuel, rather than allowing it to be another thing you have to worry about.

You can check out the Cronometer website here: Cronometer